I am a new SAHMomma who is learning to balance a life without a career, a husband's budding career, a 3YO toddler, a 7mo baby, and two Border Collies. Though most days are filled with normal day-to-day tasks (laundry, cleaning, arts and crafts, etc) don't think for one minute that our life is always normal. In fact, this place can turn into a down-right ZOO!
I wouldn't be able to keep my head above water if it weren't for my amazing husband, SleepySven. I am a complete neurotic by nature, and he keeps me grounded - even if it means weathering some very dangerous storms!
This blog will cover anything I can think of. Nothing is off limit. The content of this page is strictly my opinion and does not reflect the feelings of SleepySven, the Kiddos, or the BB's - or anyone else for that matter.