I live in a small town. Full of many.....MANY....people 'of a certain age'. And that seems to be the excuse for all the bad driving around here. Well let me set the record straight: it's not the people you think it is clogging up your roads. Quite the opposite, actually.
Here are some simple rules to help you not be one of those people when you are driving next time.
1. LEARN HOW TO USE YOUR GAS PEDAL - this comes with two different explanations. The first being if you are scared to go over the speed limit, don't. But for the love of Pete, can you please stay in the right-hand lane? Do not think for one minute you are doing a service to ANYONE by driving the speed limit in the left-hand lane. You are not making anyone safer by halting the horses; it's the other way around. Now you are making people so upset that they are actually thinking of giving your car a little nudge to force you off the road, NASCAR style (is it bad that I have that thought often?). Does it stress you when people ride your butt? THEN GET MOVING OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!! Don't play the role of 'rule enforcer'. That's why we pay taxes and pay the Police. Their job. Not yours. But, if that's your way of thinking, your probably going to be OK when I tell you that skinny pants are for skinny people, muffin tops are not en vogue, and no matter how much AXE cologne you wear it will never make up for your personality.
The second explanation has to do with actual acceleration. When you get to your desired speed, you are supposed to hold the gas pedal at that angle and continue on. DO NOT release your gas pedal and work your way back up to the speed again. PAY ATTENTION to what you're doing and move along.
2. DON'T YELL AT ME FOR TALKING ON MY PHONE - I'm sure that this is taboo to discuss, given all the accidents and whatnot for phone usage during driving. Let me state, first, that I do not text and drive. Just talk and drive. And I am OK with it.
I am NOT OK with someone, making a scene while they are driving their own vehicle to tell me that I shouldn't be talking on the phone while driving mine. I get their point. I do not, however, understand how these phone freaks are able to watch the road while they are obsessing and watching me on my phone in my car. Maybe a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black? There are a million distractions that occur while you drive your vehicle. Pay attention your own issues and let me deal with mine.
3. TOURISTS WELCOME, BUT MOVE ASIDE - I live in a very touristy part of this country. Every road and highway is full of people trying to see something historical. I get it. It's the livelihood of my town and I am grateful that you are here. HOWEVER, if you are lost or just driving around can you please figure out a way to do it without weaving in and out of traffic and going the speed limit? There are people in the town you are visiting that would like to make it to work or to a dinner reservation on time. There are many two lane roads and you are always ALWAYS holding up the busiest one. Also, if you see something cool that you want to look at, please don't slam on your breaks. PLEASE! Go a safe distance ahead and turn around.
Ok, so what I thought was going to be a ton of driving lessons, really turned into three. And not as well thought out as I would like. But I'm tired. And need to get this booty to bed!
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