Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sick Kiddo - Croup

Do you know what Croup is? Croup, which is marked by a harsh, repetitive cough similar to the noise of a seal barking, can be scary for children and their parents. Croup usually isn't serious. Most cases of croup can be treated at home. Sometimes, your child will need prescription medication. (MayoClinic.com)

Info on croup - Mayo Clinic

I had never heard of it until a couple of months ago when WMD was still at daycare. I figured that it would be something that WMD would most likely not get since he was no longer going to be around kids as much. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!

Here's how it all started. Sunday night I noticed he had a cough - a normal cough, like what you get when you have a cold. Monday morning WMD woke up with a cough and a very raspy voice. Monday afternoon he woke up from his nap upset, with fever and was barking like a dog. Worried, I tried to call the doctor's office. But their automated telephone answering service hung up on me FOUR TIMES when I tried to push "2 - to make an appointment". So I just drove in. (You are the only champion for your child, if you think it might be serious, don't wait for someone else to say so!)

After a little poking and prodding and one diaper-only running lap around the office, we were on our way to pick up a prescription for a steroid and a new cool mist humidifier. The nurse practitioner, who was so sweet by the way, said there's not much to do for croup except let the virus run its course. The steroids are to relieve swelling around the vocal cords and only needs to be used if symptoms get bad. I gave WMD a dose last night before bed and haven't touched the stuff since. Cool, moist air helps keep the airways open - so a cool mist humidifier is a good investment. We actually had one up until a couple of weeks ago when I dropped and broke it :-(

Just an aside about the cool mist humidifier - they are better for you and your kiddo than a warm one. My grandfather was a general practitioner and always recommended using them in the winter time to his patients. Something about the cool air helps to relax passageways. So that's what we have been using. We keep one running in WMD's room every night during the winter months.

WMD is doing just fine today. He still has a very raspy voice and a cough. But nothing that bothers him. He's a pretty resilient kiddo, so he's never a bear to be around when he is sick. Because I don't want to spread this to anyone else, we are going to be spending some good QT around the house this week.

Workouts at the gym will have to be replaced with walks around downtown (something the Pups will not mind at all).  And I have a feeling that WMD and I may be tackling some of those projects on Pinterest.

Another PS - I'm never going back to Walmart  again to fill a prescription (it's the only place to fill a prescription on my route home from the doctor). This was the second time I had to wait an extra 20 minutes (tagged onto the 45 minutes I had already waited) because they entered my information incorrectly. I will say, however, they have some AMAZING deals on arts and crafts stuff (fake flowers, ribbons, yarn, fabric, paper, vases, etc). I'm not one to shop at Walmart on the regular because I like to support our local retailers, but I will file that info in the back of my mind for future projects.

Hope your day is going the way you designed. And if it's not? Well? What are you going to do about it?

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